FWSF Endowment FAQs

What does the FWSF endowment support?

FWSF endowment provides a stable and secure source of funds for the FWSF Scholarship program, which helps protect against the variability of annual corporate and individual funding sources. 

How are endowed funds used?

The FWSF may spend 4% annually of the endowment assets. Endowment funds are restricted and most if not all of the money is to be used for scholarships.

How will the endowment funds be invested?

Endowed funds are invested according to the FWSF Investment Committee policy, which is conservative and designed to protect capital. 

How much money do you plan to raise?

Our goal is to grow the endowment to $2 million over the next few years, to enable funding of multiple scholarships, and a significant portion of the total annual scholarship budget. 

How are endowment donations different from Annual Fund donations?

Unlike Annual Fund gifts, which fund each year’s scholarships and fundraising costs, the principal of an endowment gift is preserved. The endowment therefore provides an income stream in perpetuity.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

The endowment is a restricted fund within the FWSF Scholarship Fund ‒ a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Therefore, your donation should be tax deductible. Please check with your accountant on your particular situation.

To whom do I write my check? Can I donate online?

Financial Women of San Francisco Scholarship Fund Inc. Please write "Endowment Donation" in the memo line. (The Fund's tax I.D. number is 03-0475636). Checks can be mailed to FWSF, 268 Bush Street #2822, San Francisco, CA  94104-3503. Or you can donate online.

Read FWSF's Endowment Policy.